
Always there for us...

The best! When I connected with Ashley, my case felt hopeless. Ashley thought outside the box and worked her butt off and turned my case around. Because of her, my daughter is now safe and I will be forever grateful. Don’t hesitate in hiring Ashley. There is no one that will work harder. She’s honest and understands the obstacle in family law.

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Caring, reasonable, calm, insightful, I got the recommendation for Eric Olson Law from a family friend who is a retired D.A., and it proved to be a lifesaver. I met with Eric and Eric initially, but then received a call from Ashley since my case involved interpersonal complications, and Ashley is incredibly skilled with these situations. From that first conversation, Ashley understood the complex dynamics in our situation, finishing my sentences and reading my thoughts as I explained what was happening. She has been a thoughtful advocate for me and my child, worked to reduce conflict whenever possible but a be strong bulwark when there need to be boundaries, was mindful of costs and very concerned with managing things for the long term outcome. When she hit an area that isn't within her realm of expertise, she was quick to bring in guidance, whether from her team or from other professionals, something I appreciate. She's got an eagle eye, is very thoughtful about issues involving children, is skilled at handling the tough ground of mental health, illness, DV and related issues, and really cares about her clients. I have no hesitation recommending her to others, especially those who need to walk the line between minimizing conflict and establishing clear boundaries.

— Lisa

Excellent and efficient! I reached out to a few firms at a time of need in my previous marriage. Olsen Law was the first to respond to me and I felt relieved and confident in my choice. Ashley Olsen is knowledgeable in various types law and draws from countless years of experience—- I felt like I had an entire team on my side shortly after meeting with her at her firm’s office. Ashley did a great job of quickly responding to all the issues that occurred in my stressful divorce. I can say with full confidence, that my son and I are in such a better place because of the guidance and aid I received from Ashley and her team. Highly recommended!
— Thomas

Absolutely amazing!! Ashley took over my custody case in November 2020. After I explained my situation to her she told me she liked my chances and thought we could win.
Ashley is very intelligent, hardworking, consistent, compassionate, and thoughtful. I absolutely commend her for everything she's done for me, honestly I couldn't have asked for a better attorney to represent me. Whenever I had a question or concern she was always available to answer them. She never gave up and we fought till the very end. I ended up winning my custody case and in part it was all thanks to her and the magnificent job she did throughout my entire case including trial. If you're looking for a great attorney look no further, Ashley will not disappoint!

— Jerrell

My story is a testament to Eric’s legal adroitness and the human empathy he provides for clients. Eric’s efforts, sense of legal timing and incredibly accurate descriptions and documents navigated me through the ordeals of a divorce and delivered me as a whole person to the finish line. As we talked through the phases, Eric first laid out options, explained the legal frame of reference, answered my questions and then listened to my logic for proposed actions. Patiently he walked through his analysis, first giving an objective viewpoint of legal ramifications, as I was a newbie to the well worn path of divorce, and then subjectively he discussed my chosen course of action. The subjective portion dissected my logic and ran the course through to its conclusion. This enabled me to determine, objectively and upfront, how the scales of parity tipped either in her favor or mine. And then Eric let me decide the actions taken.

When proceedings and mediation were complete, Eric shook my hand and the case was closed. However, I have been fortunate enough since that day to maintain a dialogue of friendship these past few years with a talented, empathetic human who happens to be a great lawyer. He is that one per cent of the bar association maligned by the other ninety nine percent. You could not have a better ally, nor find a more resourceful professional than Eric when you want the best lawyer on your side.

—Systems Analyst, Bellevue

A friend referred Eric Olson to me back in December 2007, to review my recent separation…after a 29-year marriage and 3 now adult children. Eric took a personal and caring approach to my situation, by helping me learn to live on my own in a manner which I had never expected to experience. Eric spent time talking to me and also directed me to see an outside councilor, helping me understand myself as a newly recovering alcoholic.

Two months after my separation, my wife’s attorney served divorce paperwork to me which I gave to Eric for review. Eric’s first and number one focus was to see if there was any way to restore OUR marriage. Eric requested me to gather up all documents of our combined assets so he would be prepared to validate the total value of the estate. Eric responded to my wife’s attorney stating he would be representing me. Both attorneys requested the documentation from each of us. Eric found multiple errors in my wife’s reportings and was able to get them corrected.

Nine months into my divorce I had to leave the country to work in Europe. Eric and I kept in contact by email while we continued the negotiations, so no delays would occur. During this time there were some critical discrepancies with some of my wife’s stock values not being assessed accurately. Eric had to have an outside accountant review and correct the values.

My divorce became final prior my returning home. I felt very satisfied that the result was fair for both my wife and I.

— Fortune 500 company employee, Seattle